EXSYS USB to 4S Serial RS-232 ports interface cards/adapter - USB cables and adapters - Cables, KVM switches & adapters - Audio-video - MT Shop
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EXSYS USB to 4S Serial RS-232 ports interface cards/adapter

Manufacturer: EXSYS Product Code: 16505328 EAN: 04718359133428 MPN: EX-1334IS
EXSYS USB to 4S Serial RS-232 ports, USB, Black, CE, FC, ROHS, WHQL, FTDI, TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, GND, 0 - 55 °C

Product Information

Manufacturer EXSYS
Product code 16505328
EAN 04718359133428
Manufacturer part number EX-1334IS
Category USB cables and adapters

Product Description

The EX-1334IS USB 1.1 to Serial RS-232 metal box provides four high performance 16C550-type UART compatible RS-232 serial ports with 15KV Surge Protection and 2.5KV Optical Isolation. It is designed for PC, thin client or server to provide protected instant COM ports expansion in a robust metal box through the USB 1.1 or 2.0 Bus. With the easy installation you don t need to open the computer system and install the EX-1334IS when the system run.
- Interface: RS-232 V.24 / FIFO Buffer: 16C550 with 16Byte
- ESD Surge Protection 15KV
- Optical Isolation 2.5KV
- I/O addresses: Setting from the operating system
- Interrupt: Setting from the System BIOS with Interrupt Sharing
- Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8 / Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, 2
- Parity: None, even, odd, space, mark
- Signal: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, GND
- Power from the USB Bus (Bus Power)

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